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Kagurabachi Wiki

“Fervent” ( (ねっ) (きょう) Nekkyō) is the fifth volume of the Japanese manga series Kagurabachi, created, written and illustrated by Takeru Hokazono. It was released in Japanese on December 4, 2024.


In exchange for Cloud Gouger's devotion, Chihiro successfully retrieves Enten. Within the Storehouse, while they endure the onslaught of Kyora and his ability to freely manipulate space, Chihiro and Hakuri work together to rescue the trapped prisoners. After a fierce battle, Kyora is backed into a corner, and reaches his hand out to... The Rakuzaichi has reached its climax, and a 200-year-long tradition must come to an end!


The cover appears to resemble a shattered pane of glass, with the main stakeholders of the 208th Rakuzaichi visible in several of the shards. Kyora is positioned prominently on the top-right side, Storehouse mask active and expression screaming in anger. To his left, Chihiro stares in focus, trails of blood streaming past his hair. At the bottom left, Hakuri looks upwards, his own Storehouse mask active and expression grinning in triumph, and to his right Hiyuki swivels her head around to also look upward, distant fire visible behind her. The focus of all four characters' attention is the box of Shinuchi, placed at the broken glass pane's point of impact, with its seal unravelling and breaking. The red-coloured series title is placed at the top of the cover with the volume number and title directly beneath it, while the author's name and publisher are located at the bottom-right, above and below Hiyuki's position.

Chapter List[]

Chapters included in Volume 5:

  • Chapter 38: Race (競合 (せりあい) Seriai)
  • Chapter 39: Surpass! ( () えろ!! Koero!!)
  • Chapter 40: The Tip (一端 (いったん) Ittan)
  • Chapter 41: Fervent ( (ねっ) (きょう) Nekkyō)
  • Chapter 42: Everything ( (ぜん) () Zenbu)
  • Chapter 43: Fulfill ( (まっと) Mattō)
  • Chapter 44: The Curtain Falls (閉幕 (へいまく) Heimaku)
  • Chapter 45: What Comes Next (これからの (はなし) Korekara no Hanashi)
  • Chapter 46: Unruly Punk ( (かっ) () () (ろう) Kattena Yarō)

Author's Note[]

“Electric hot eye masks are the best!” Takeru Hokazono


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Inside Contents[]

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Other Illustrations[]

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